
Doing some spring cleaning??? Brush off your yoga mat.

Getting your Groove Back

Are you new to yoga?  Or do you just need a refresher. Yoga can be challenging for a beginner and a challange to get back too. This article will help ease your transition into or back into the world of yoga.

Find a good space to practice in.  You do not need a whole lot of space to prcatice yoga.  For my personal practice I like to change it up a bit, the sunny front window when my gang has gone off for school is one place I like.  In the spring I love to roll my mat out where my bulbs are blooming in the yard.  The smell of things just popping up is so wonderful.

Purchase a quality sticky mat. You can find them all over the place, I have several. When I started teaching yoga, mats became the go to gift for many that wanted to support my endeavor. I have a whole bunch of fancy ones but I really like my old cat scrached glitter stuck kinda dirty bubble gum pink mat.  I have had it for ever and it is a good friend to me.  When its looking a little loved on I just toss it in the washer on the gentle cycle with a couple of towels pull it out before the the rest of the laundry hits the dryer.

Take breaks to focus on your breathing.

Get a good night’s sleep.

Shut out negativity.

While much of yoga can be intimidating, it’s easier to master than it may seem. I hope these tips will help get you started or restarted on your journey into the world of yoga.

Want to learn more about yoga and other ways to stay fit? Head on over to www.balafon.com for great tips and information.


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